

The purpose of this website is to both showcase my work and practice front-end web development. This is a learning tool that allows me to document progress over time.

Tire Analysis:

This repo includes data processing/analysis, used to drive design choices for UT Austin's FSAE Electric team. I take raw tire data, process it, make a generalized model, and draw meaningful conclusions to drive design.

Anti-roll Bar Design:

This repo is an engineering design tool, and I created it to automate anti-roll bar design. Scripts in this repo sweep possible materials, geometries, and performance characteristics to select optimal geometry.

Optimal Path Generation:

This repo is used to generate optimal racing lines for UT Austin's FSAE Electric team. My path generation script takes a specified race track (points defining the track and width), and it generates an optimal racing line along that track. This is done by minimizing curvature over the entire length of the path, leading to parameterization of cubic splines, a series of vector calculus operations, multiple iterations of cost functions, and minimization techniques.


This is the final project for my CS 329E class (mobile computing). I worked with a group of 3 other students to create a flashcard app (similar to Quizlet). We implemented stack views, scroll views, table views, segmented controllers, switches, search bars, core data, user authentication, etc. In the end we had a professional-looking app that could be sold on the public market.

Click here to visit my GitHub